le bonk


construction in progress, guarded my evil cat

jank website ahead. extremly unoptimised :)

this is my first web page

how exiting

haha i dont know what im doing

im not the sharpest tool in the shed

:) meaw

here's a little test wohoooo!

weekdays raiting
monday! used to hate it but now i like it. its fresh. 7/10
tuesday! meh. its alright. 5/10
wensday! a satisfying weekday. if it were a color it would be orange. 8 oranges out of 11 fruit baskets.
thursday! its kinda 50/50. its either amazing, or it sucks. 5 sun rotations out of 17 moons

--------my dealers of information

thank you:)

the wise dog in the hidden alley
